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Swimming into Summer with Custom Art

When I was a child I used to look at the pictures in the Encyclopedia Brittanica (we didn’t have the internet back then) and some of my favorite pictures were of the dolphins and orcas. All I had available was a regular #2 pencil and regular paper, but I would look at those pictures and create my own drawings of them. After many iterations of these drawings my Mom bought me some tracing paper, and that helped me learn how to get the shapes right. In high school I had an art teacher who taught me how to get the lights and darks of the shading right. I drew this picture of a dolphin in rememberance of those days when I used to copy pictures of dolphins out of the encyclopedia.

What is your favorite animal? I have trouble choosing a favorite, I like so many of them. They all have their own unique personalities and traits. I do love horses but have never been able to own my own horse. I love my chickens and ducks and goats and cats too. The alpacas are comical though standoffish, and even the dog can be entertaining sometimes. I have one friend who loves giraffes, and another friend who loves frogs, and yet another friend who loves orcas. They are all so interesting! I love that God made so many beautiful and amazing creatures for us to enjoy. I would be happy to create a drawing of your favorite animal. Tell me what you like about them in the comment section at checkout. God bless you.

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Grand Opening Sale ends Today – Special Offer!!!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my new online art store. I’m so glad you are here!  Today (5-21-2017) is the last day of the Grand Opening sale. If you wanted me to create a custom drawing for you or for a loved one, today would be the best day to get a great deal on commissioned artwork. I will offer a 17% off coupon – on top of the sale price! – to the first 5 orders placed before midnight tonight. USE CODE: Grand17 at checkout. What would you like me to draw for you?

About the featured drawing: I drew this angel after experiencing a powerful vision during our nightly prayer time. I saw this image of an inconsolable angel that was blue with sorrow. I kept expecting the angel to stand up and spread its wings in praise to the Lord, but it just sat on the doorstep weeping and weeping in the most heart-shattering sorrow. I have seen visions of angels several times, but this was the only one I ever saw in color like this, and the only one I ever saw that wasn’t standing tall praising the Lord. When something so terrible happens that it makes the angels cry, it is very sorrowful indeed. The Bible promises us in Psalm 30:5 though that weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. I’m looking forward to that spiritual morning when joy fills our hearts once again, as it has been a very long night.