I have finished a new drawing of an Ayam Cemani rooster. The intent is to sell this drawing and pay for a new chicken house for my birds. I’m researching auction sites to post it for sale right now. Look for the auction announcement soon!
The Ayam Cemani is an all black breed of chicken. Their feathers, eyes, skin, and even their meat is black. They still have red blood though, and they lay white eggs. The Ayam Cemani is considered by occultists to have magical properties, and sadly is often used for animal sacrifices. Christians and animal enthusiasts prize the breed for their uncommon beauty and uniqueness. I think God has an incredible sense of humor when he makes an entirely black chicken, but then has it lay white eggs. I don’t know if I have a favorite breed of chicken, they are all beautiful, but I am definitely drawn to the more rare ornamental breeds, like the Ayam Cemani.
Thank you for your prayer and support of my artwork. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His light to shine upon you. In all things, we give thanks.