
Premium Chicken hatching eggs: per each

Original price was: $2.59.Current price is: $1.79.

SKU: Premium chicken eggs per each Category: Tags: , , , , ,


Our freshest Barnyard mix chicken hatching eggs.


I have tried different methods of protecting the eggs for shipment but nothing has worked. I will no longer ship hatching eggs. I can not control what happens to them in transit.

Chicken eggs may include mixes of any of the following: Ayam Cemani, Dark Brahma, Gold Laced Wyandotte, Ameracauna, Welsummer, Black Australorp, Bantam Cochin, Silkie, White Crested Black Polish, and Bantam Ameracauna.

We have very few white or tinted eggs. Most are shades of tan to brown, or blue or green. We have a lot of roosters, so our eggs have a high fertility rate.

Please message me if you would like all large eggs for larger birds, or if you would like all small eggs for bantam size birds. If I do not get a message from you, we will try to provide a random mix to ensure you have a variety of rainbow colors for your egg basket.

Chicken eggs take 21 days to hatch.

Duck eggs take 28 days to hatch.

Baby chicks can be fed either medicated or non-medicated chick starter or broiler starter. Do not feed chicks layer mix until they start laying eggs.

Baby ducks should only be fed non-medicated broiler or game bird starter. Never feed baby ducks medicated feed! Add Niacin to their water to help strengthen their legs.

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